Tuesday 14 June 2016

1,850billion allocated to the Health Sector National Budget

As compared to last year (FY2015/16), the Health Budget for FY 2016/17 was increased by 44% (i.e UGX 1,270.81bn for FY2015/16 to UGX 1,850 bn for 2016/17). Major investments are being made towards Infrastructure development and renovations of health centers across the country and the Cancer Institute has over 150% increment -this obviously due to the radio-therapy machine breakdown & the fact that they are starting to operate independent of Mulago this FY among others. There are really cosmetic and minimal changes towards the medicines and Non Wage bill but there is an increment. This is the Visual summary of the health sector national budget allocation.

#Health #SHAPE #HIV #FamilyPlanning #ARVs #NationalMedicalStores #Cancer #SRHR

Posted by Esther Namirimu

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