Wednesday 15 June 2016

Health Financing Radio Talk Show

15th-June-2016, DSW Uganda together with the International Community of Women Living with HIV in East Africa(ICWEA) and Action Group for Health, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS (AGHA) will be participating in the Health Financing radio  talk show tonight on Radio One-(Spectrum Talk Show) at 7pm to discuss the new 2016/17 budget allocation for the health sector. Ms. Diana Tibesigwa, managing the "Securing Health through Advocacy and People's Empowerment," (SHAPE-Uganda) will represent DSW-Uganda.
 #Health #Financing #Uganda #Budgeting #BudgetAdvocacy #YoungPeople #FamilyPlanning #SRHR

Posted by Esther Namirimu- Communications Officer -DSW Uganda

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