Wednesday 8 June 2016

DSW Youth Champions dominate the Annual SRHR Youth Camp

By Esther Namirimu

DSW Youth Champions dominated the six day event annual SRHR Youth Camp which was held at Hannah Mixed School in Nsangi. Using life skills and knowledge on SRHR impacted to them DSW, the youth champions facilitated Focus Group Discussions on menstrual hygiene, teenage pregnancy, family planning, condom use demonstration, HIV and other Sexually transmitted diseases. 

This was a life changing opportunity for more than 30 skilled youth champions to outshine the young people who had no idea about Sexual Reproductive Healths.

Considering the fact that teenagers in East Africa are still facing challenges of unwanted pregnancies and STDs, this year’s camp was timely and it has created an environment where young people build networks with each other and can interact with their peers freely.

Through activities like games and sports, young people tapped on life skills and sexual reproductive health knowledge every afternoon.

Ms. Olivia Nanono , a youth champion conducting a session on menstrual health

DSW Youth Champions who participated in the Annual SRHR Youth Camp

DSW Youth Champions

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