Thursday 18 August 2016

Religious leaders committed to promote family planning and sexual reproductive health through faith based approaches.

Religious leaders under Faith to Action Network, a global network of faith based organisations have committed to improve and promote family health through advancing family planning and reproductive health services using faith based approaches. This took place during a community dialogue held in Mityana district at the Diocese. 

Bishop Samuel Stephen Kazimba of Mityana Diocese said that once religious leaders are provided with technical support and right information, they can be great advocates for family planning in alongside with their faith.

“We are supporting families to have increased access to information and quality of services on family planning and reproductive health consistent with their faith, values, beliefs and principles,” he added.

Jackie Katana, International Advocacy Officer, in-charge of Faith to Action Network at DSW Uganda said that the network promotes dialogue, builds the technical and financial capacity of faith based organisations and religious institutions.

“It also facilitates sustained advocacy and programming in support of family planning and reproductive health,” she added.

Katana noted that religious use religious gathering to give right information about family planning to community members.

“We have engaged religious leaders in advocating for integration and mainstreaming of family health and wellbeing in policies,” she added.

Faith to Action Network has provided technical support to six faith based organisations in Uganda and linked them ot Population Action International to access funding for family planning advocacy in Kotido, Moroto, Wakiso, Rakai, Mityana, Kyenjojo, Kabalore and Busia.

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