Wednesday, 15 February 2017

DSW conducts Health financing press conference

Coordinated by DSW, members of the Family Planning Advocacy Group (FPAG), Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG), Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Coalition held a press conference at Hotel African Kampala, Uganda on the health sector projected financing for the coming year.
 A Well financed and vibrate health system; an absolute governments responsibility”. Was the theme for the conference organized to provoke the media fraternity to amplify advocacy towards the health sector budget that has been projected to decline
While presenting the paper, CSOs expressed their views and reservations regarding the FY 2017/18 Budget that is projected to decline by 30% compared to that of last year
In a joint statement they noted that as the government nears the 2020 target to transform into middle income country, the country must make huge investment in keeping the population healthy and productive, which according to the budget government is less concerned

Panelist during the media Briefing

They also noted with concern the continued poor human resources for the health sector that have hindered provisions of quality health services to the citizens.
They therefore urged the media practioners to amplify their advocacy towards what they termed as “unthinkable” for the government to reduce the health sector budget by such a huge percentage.
“We call upon you to join us and raise our voices such that tax payer’s money is put to best use”. Remarked Diana Tibesigwa.
Diana Tibesigwa, DSW stresses a point

 CSOs  urged the media to raise their in ensure that  government develops a plan that is responsive to the needs of the respective districts, for attracting recruiting, motivating and retaing health workers .
Urging that the ministry of health should prioritize the 50bn required for the recruitment of health workers.
They also called upon government to align the National Budget to the National Development Plan 11 and resource projections. “As a country we should desist from being known to have good laws and policies but very poor implementation” Emphasized the Dombo the chief of Part Path Uganda.
They further called for the decentralization of PHC funds for better services to ordinary citizens. “We have caution ministry of health against implementing PHC development budget on behalf of local governments as has been the norm because it creates more hitches in service delivery”. Noted Diana Tibesigwa.  
The reiterated their commitment to provide alternative budget proposals to government and to parliament, in particular

Over 40 National and local media houses were represented and covered the conference. These included the print, social and broadcast media and other representatives of likeminded organisations witnessed the function.
The conference took place at Hotel African, Kampala Uganda, mobilized and coordinated by DSW.

DSW facilitates Parliamentarians to develop a 5-Year Strategic Plan on Reproductive Maternal Neonatal child and Adolescent health (RMNCAH)

Parliamentarian that subscribe to the Network of African Women Ministers and Parliamentarians (NAWMP) met at Imperial Royale Kampala to indentify and strategize on issues of Reproductive health, they will champion during the tenure of the 10th Parliament.
The plan is aimed at enhancing their technical, advocacy and resource mobilization skills, consolidate existing partnerships and network as well as bring on board partnerships for RMNCAH.

The legislator’s earmarked five Strategic Goals for the incoming Strategic Plan 2017/18.

The major output of the Retreat was a draft strategic Plan on Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) for NAWMP Uganda Chapter.

Supported by DSW, the Retreat attracted 60 legislators, 10 technical staffs from both government and CSOs that are active members of the Family Planning Advocacy Group, National Population Council (NPC) among others.

With the Goal of RMNCAH positioned as a key Development issue, the decision makers pledged to advocate for universal access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services at the floor of parliament and other levels.
In addition, the legislators pledged to advance and promote family planning as a key development concern in Uganda.

The Country Director appreciated the role played by parliamentarians in promoting reproductive health in Uganda

“As DSW we underscore the role you play in advocating and mobilizing resources for reproductive health program in this country” Said Mona.
 Adding  that this is what prompted DSW to come in and support this process of developing the strategic plan, as it will give the law makers  an opportunity to align on the national, regional and international dynamics and societal challenges on reproductive Health,

Mona Herbert, the Country Director DSW opened the Retreat, with an overview of DSW and the overall strategic direction of the organisation on reproductive health and interventions in empowering women and young people to live their full potential.
Hon. Espellaza Baguma, the Chairperson NAWMP said that the network is committed to work with likeminded organisation in promoting RNMCAH. She emphasized that this time round the network plans to keep alive connection with the people, they are advocating for.

Earmarked Strategic Goals
·         Enhancing Development of NAWMP- Uganda Chapter as a reproductive Health Forum,
·         Mechanisms for providing RMNCAH services fully implemented in Uganda,
·         Women empowered and community mobilization for maternal health and related services
·          increased financing for RMNCAH services in Uganda

“In the 10hth Parliament we are already to keep the RNMCAH candle burning” She remarked.
In addition the Chairperson, the parliamentary committee on health, pledged maximum support in ensuring that RMNCAH issues     a captured in the committee budget recommendations. He urged legislators to navigate together in this coming budget process to ensure health issues are given priority in the Budget Frame 2017/18.

The Retreat however noted that, for family to steadily gain consideration in Uganda, capacity building for top government officials, opinion leaders as well as religious leaders is very paramount.