Monday, 31 July 2017

DSW is an organisation that changes lives of young people. They changed ours in more ways than one

By David Mujuni

Members of Youth Talent Exposition Development Association, a DSW supported youth Club with their friends at the youth centre.

At the time of joining Youth Talent Exposition and Development Association (YTEDA), a DSW supported youth club since 2010, we and our peers were always at high sexual risks and becoming in-nments of poverty, to which our community has became accustomed of. We did not appreciate sexual Reproductive Health and rights issues, the meaning of our lives and the importance of family planning to the economy but also to our lives and community.

Our dreams came alive however, when we enrolled to YTEDA. It gave us an opportunity to acquire peer education skills in sexual Reproductive Health, leadership, management, advocacy and entrepreneurship and to interact with DSW staff.
Just like in life, we have encountered pros and cons in our endeavors. We have interfaced with political resistance, cultural beliefs and norms, public attitude towards SRH among others.  However all these have not limited our continuous efforts in terms of political, community and government engagements” says the chairperson of the club.
“Most of us are running small enterprises and businesses, and have saved lives of young people and equipped them in make informed choices.  We have disseminated SRH information at household, community, District levels and national levels”. He added.
Apart from information sharing, we have shifted our efforts to making the environment and atmosphere friendlier for young to acquire services and information.  We managed to secure a youth corner at Mukuju Health centre IV. The corner is fully functioning, equipped with comfortable chairs and tables. It has both indoor and outdoor sports equipments which have continuously attracted and increased the number of young people that come in.
“Since the establishment of the Youth corner, we have gradually received an increased number of young people”. Said Oukum David Cyrus the District Health officer. On average we receive 40 young people per day who visit the corner. She added
The corner is 24/7 equipped with family planning commodities and services such as condoms, peer educators and information Education Communication (IEC) materials that young access at no cost. Thanks to DSW for the continuous support.
In addition, we have been able to lobby for entrepreneurship trainings for the young people from other actors such as Balloon ventures. The trainings held at the Corner are increasingly attracting young people.
To further facilitate SRH information sharing, we have established a youth parliament .The platform facilitates interfaces with government officials, religious leaders, cultural leaders on issues that affect young people.
We believe the empowerment transformed us. The community recognizes our roles and support and we are usually approached for guidance on SRH and other developmental issues in our community.
We intend to roll out our advocacy countrywide to ensure that every health facility has a youth corner for the young people to share and receive information and services about SRH.

We owe all these achievements to DSW Uganda for their support -trainings and initiatives to empower the young people like us Uganda.

Mityana Family Planning Costed Implementation Launched

Kampala, Uganda -11, May 2017
By David Mujuni

The Chairperson, LC V Mityana District, Joseph Luzige officially launching the Mityana Family Planning Costed Plan at Bulela Sub County, Mityana District recently.

It was a proud and joyous moment when on 11 May , Mityana district Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2017-202 (FP CIP) was launched amidst the participation of top political , technical and community members  of the District .
Mityana District is one of the partner districts of DSW, and the family planning costed implementation plan is a five-year roadmap designed to help the district to promote and achieve its family planning goals and guide its investments in the sector. Goals that when achieved will save millions of lives and improve the health and well-being of women, families and communities. The plan was developed in support and partnership with DSW in a bid to improve family planning access and service delivery to the public.    
Speaking about the costed implementation plan during the launch on Thursday, 11 May 2017, at Bulale sub county headquarters, the District Chairperson, Mr. Joseph Luzige said increased access to, and use of, family planning has far-reaching benefits to the economy, and individual families of Uganda.
Joseph Luzige said that the District is among the leading Districts in the country with high sexual risks in terms of teenage pregnancy, high dependence and rates, over population rates and high fertility rates. Adding that the only attempt to curb such cases is by advancing and encouraging the use of family planning at all levels. The plan is vital if the country is to realize demographic dividend, we must make substantial investments to improve health outcomes and meet the needs for family planning, while also educating and training workers, promoting new job opportunities for young people, and strengthening economic stability and governance.
In collaboration with Districts and central government and other partners, DSW is working to close the un-met need of family planning that exists in the country. DSW also endeavors to   contribute to increased and improved funding for family planning by district local governments. We work in Mityana, Mukono, Tororo, Kamuli, Wakiso, Kampala, and Masindi among others.
In doing so, we aim to mobilize more and better funds from government , both central and sub national  as well as from other sources towards family planning interventions
Mona Herbert, the DSW Technical Advisor said the family planning costed implementation plan is a document that will help the District to project family planning needs, especially in terms of investment of human and financial resources.
At the launched implementing partners pledged to contribute towards the successful implementing of the plan. They include PACE, Marie Stopes, Uganda Faith Action Network Reach Hand Uganda (RHU), the media fraternity, USAID through the project OBULAMU among others. 

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

DSW World Population Day celebrations on 11th July 2017

The government of Uganda through the National Population Council (NPC) in partnership with development partners and Civil Society organizations commemorated World Population in Busia district. Busia district was selected because of its high teenage pregnancy rate standing at 28% as higher than the already worrying 25% national teenage pregnancy rate. This is mainly attributed to high girl child school dropout rate of 30% among other factors.

The national theme for World population Day in Uganda wasStrengthen Youth Competitiveness for Sustainable Developmentwhich is in tandem with DSW mandate of empowering young people.

DSW was selected to represent other CSOs on the organizing committee of World Population Day and participated in all the planning meetings both at national and district level. Busia district is one of the longest district where DSW has supported various youth projects, it was therefore appropriate and timely for DSW to actively participate and leverage on this opportunity for visibility. We visibly took the show of the day!

HE the President of Uganda Yoweri. K. Museveni officiated the function as the chief guest. In his speech he called upon the actors to support government progammes to foster economic development in order to harness the demographic dividend. He commended development partners and civil society organizations for supporting and complimenting the government to efforts to address SRHR and population issues. He retaliated that this has led to the reduction of maternal mortality rate to 336 per 10,000 mothers. Fertility rate to 5.4% but decried the high teenage pregnancy rate that have stagnated at 25% for the last 10 years, with Busia being slightly higher than the national rate by 3%. He reechoed the plea by UNFPA Country Representative to launch a campaign named”Books before Babies” to end teenage pregnancy and he committed to work with all partners and civil society organizations to address this challenge. He also committed to support strategies that will enhance male (boys and men) involvement as a critical strategy to address SRHR challenges.

The President of the Rep. of Uganda Yoweri K Museveni inspects the DSW exhibition stall during the WPDon 11th 2017 in Busia
Prior to the president’s speech, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Alain Sibenarler reminded His Excellency the president of the republic of Uganda of his commitments to the FP 2020 London summit that he made in 2012. He quoted him “quality population is critical to development” and I commit to increase FP budget from 3m USD to 5m USD’.  He once again called upon him to honor his commitments. He further requested the government to launch a campaign of let girls be girls to curb the escalating issues of child marriages, school dropouts, death due to unprepared bodies of the young people.
President Museveni called upon stakeholders to join in the  campaign of  let girls be girls  which he code named ‘books before babies’ in Ugandan context aimed at reducing teenage pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies and the spread of HIV/AIDS infections among the young people. ‘We have embarked on the campaign to address the escalating population challenges under theme books before babies; we therefore urge all the actors’ non state and state to embrace this campaign’ He remarked. He added that Uganda’s Vision to become a middle income country will not be achieved if efforts are not made to exploit the youthful population.
The Netherlands Ambassador Henk Bakker said that the high population will be a disaster if not checked. “If the current growing population is not checked, Uganda will be suffering with a big number of its population uneducated and majority not accessing health services”. He cautioned.

Young people getting information on SRHR during the pre-World population Day community outreaches

Pre-World Population Day Dialogue.
On the eve of the Population day, a population dialogue was organized by DSW and NPC in Busia district targeting decision/policy makers from 10 districts of Busoga, Bukedea and Elgon region. These   included local council members, district technical staff, religious leaders and members of parliament from the region. Other participants included civil society organizations representatives and UNFPA staff. In recognition of DSW`s contribution to SRHR information and services for young people, DSW was the only civil society organization that was given a slot on the agenda/program to present on two topics i.e. youth participation in decision making to harness sustainable development and Faith+Family planning milestones and opportunities.
 The youth were led by Obwana Ignatius one of the DSW champions who shared his testimony on his experience aspirations in decision making. I quote

 “I live a productive life, and have advanced my political career., I serve as the Speaker of Buteba sub county Busia district, and as the sub county Youth chair person, as well as sub county youth counselor, member of Amonikakino PS management committee, I have been empowered to participate in competitive elections at community and district levels.  Amazingly I dropped out of school in O’level due to school fees constraints. like many youths present here today, I attribute my success to DSW approach of empowering and supporting young people with leadership, management, and life skills. we have continuously attained this through our youth clubs’ structures. I am a family planning champion, married and together with my wife, we have 2 children and we are committed to using family planning to ensure that we provide the best quality health care and education to our children’’

Ministry of Gender and Social Development committed to work with DSW and their youth groups to ensure that they benefit from the youth livelihood fund.
Friends of Christ Revival Ministries an FBO that benefited from Faith 2 Action Network financial and technical support through the Population Action International Faith + Family planning initiative shared their milestones and strategies of working with Faith Organisations and religious leaders to address SRHR challenges. Milestones include; development of FP district costed implementation plan for Namayingo district, commitment by religious leaders to support Family planning and influencing the district to allocate funds for FP. Following this presentation a resolution on involvement of Faith organisations and religious leaders was adopted and F2A/DSW was applauded for this great initiative.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Mityana family planning budget and policy allocations study launched

By David Turyamusiima

DSW in partnership with Mityana District local government organized a- one - day meeting to launch the family Planning budget and policy allocation analysis for the District. DSW commissioned the analysis to provide an overview of gaps that existing in funding family planning budgets and policies, as well as in service provision. Data released indicate that the amount of funds allocated to family planning by the district is alarmingly low, with less than one percent of the district health sector approved budget allocated to family planning.
Speaking at the launch, the District Chairperson, Luzige Joseph applauded DSW for undertaking the analysis, and for the continuous support in advancing family planning in Uganda. “We have today witnessed the launch of the analysis conducted within our own district, we commit towards improving family planning service delivery during our term of office, and to ensure that some of the challenges highlighted in the analysis are addressed” Remarked the Chairperson.
“We are going to embark on media engagements, training of health workers to administer family planning commodities and to promote male involvement in family planning programs”. He remarked. 
Mr. luzige Joseph, the Mityana District Chairperson officially launching the family planning budget analysis at the district headquarters recently

“It is a timely document especially at this point when we are engaged in the district local government’s budget cycle. It has strengthened our capacity towards family planning financing and budgeting. Said the District Speaker Kazungu Apollo.  “I pledge to promote family planning in the District Council meetings and in the whole District”. He added 

Hon. Kazungu Apollo, the District Speaker addressing the meeting during the launch of the analysis

DSW intends to lower unmet need for family planning and to increase contraceptives prevalence rate and ensure more funding from the domestic allocations.  To achieve this DSW undertakes such studies to strengthen communities and CSO capacity to engage in decision-making on policy and budget cycles to ensure that they are equipped to contribute meaningfully to the processes. DSW is implementing securing Health through Advocacy and people’s Empowerment project in four Districts of Mityana, Mukono, Tororo and Kamuli. 

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

A Day in Busi Island

March 8th marks the International Women’s Day, a day where people worldwide unite in recognition of Women emancipation and empowerment. In support of this day, DSW Uganda teamed up with Kasanje Health III and Kasanje Youth Club to provide free Sexual Reproductive Health information and services to the people of Busi Island, Wakiso District.
During the outreach, the Youth Champions, Health Workers, and the DSW, Uganda Youth Truck team discussed several SRH issues that include the importance of testing for STDs, and knowing ones HIV status, the health social economic benefits of Family Planning to the family and the country at large. In addition the team discussed myths and perceptions on contraceptives, teenage pregnancies and menstrual hygiene and management among others.
The team also offered  HIV testing and counseling,  they screened health video shows and distributed Family Planning commodities such as condoms to women, men and the youth  .Over 100 people were tested for  Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs) especially HIV while hundreds attended and received Family Planning counseling and reproductive health services.
The outreach meant to support most at risk persons (MAPs) and far to reach communities such as Busi was supported by DSW innovative Youth Truck designed for this very purpose. The work we do with support of the Youth Truck and its team is to empower young people and communities with information and knowledge about Sexual Reproductive health rights and services across Uganda
Busi Island which is made up of three parishes is documented high rates of teenage pregnancy rates, high HIV preference rates which is predominant among the young people. The area LCI appreciated the organizers the outreach in the community. “I am happy for this intervention and I believe it will make a difference in many of lives”. He remarked
According to the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2011, the unmet need for family planning among married stood at 34%, and unmet need for child spacing at 21%, whereas un met need for limiting at 14%

Kasanje Health centre II Health workers, and DSW Youth Truck Team offer SRH  and FP information and services during the Busi outreach

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

FPBAG meets to review the progress and discuss/ formulate strategies to advocate for FP financing in Uganda

Securing Health through Advocacy and People’s Empowerment is a three-year program to mobilize more and better funds from key European donors (Germany, EU) as well as from East African governments (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda). Over the next three years, DSW will build on its proven successes in advocacy and capacity building through previous grant phases in Germany, at the EU level as well as in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

Tuesday Feb, 28th 2017
Family Planning Budget Advocacy Group (FPBAG) had their first meeting to review their progress and to reposition themselves with new strategies to closing the gap of FP inadequate funding by government. The Group was established in August 2016 under the coordination of DSW.

The Director General, National Population Council Jotham Musiguzi who presided over the review and planning meeting at National Population Council said that the global FP2020 goal is to mobilize global policy, financing, commodity and service delivery commitments to support the rights of women and girls in the world’s poorest countries to use contraceptive information, services and supplies without coercion and discrimination by 2020.

He requested the participants to constructively engage the relevant authorities towards FP domestic financing in Uganda. Noting that it is high time that government and the public appreciated the importance FP in the country’s Roadmap towards harnessing Demographic Dividends.

The meeting was attended by representatives from DSW Uganda, plan International Reach Hand Uganda, National Population Council, the media fraternity, HEPS, PPDARO, Straight Talk Foundation, among others , and they  made the following resolutions.

  1. Collectively conduct budget analysis capacity building for the relevant factors including legislators such as members of parliament, district counselors, and the technical government people
  2. Support SRH/FP policy reviews and wide dissemination across the country
  3. Support MoH to develop GFF work planning and other continuous engagements
  4. Hold meetings under the coordination of the OPM on the multi- sectoral approach on FP-NPC, MoH
  5. Produce the FP BAG newsletter-quarterly
  6. Develop and share a comprehensive work plan to which members will allocate their strengths as well as financial support. 

By David Turyamusiima

50 Family Planning Champions trained to advocate for increased support and domestic resources for Family Planning in Uganda

DSW is an international development and advocacy organisation. Our focus is on achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).DSW Uganda was established in 1999 and currently operates in 8 districts including; Kampala, Wakiso, Masindi, Mukono, Mityana, Jinja, Kamuli, Kiryadongo Busia and Tororo. In these districts, DSW works in partnership with the local Government administration and implements different project

Friday 24th Feb 2016
In repositioning of Family Planning Champions to better advocate for increased support and resources for Family Planning in Uganda, over 50 Champions were reconvened for refresher training in family planning advocacy at Bonita Training centre Lubowa.

The 2 day training included understanding Family Planning Concepts, the budget –making process, documentation and report writing and accountability in addition to experience sharing by the champions since the last training.

The Family Planning (FP) Champions are expected to go a long way in ensuring that local governments prioritize Family Planning, and help avert the myths and perceptions about it and with the budget process starting to pick momentum, DSW thought it important to empower the champions to better advocate for FP budget allocation in the district local governments of Kamuli, Mityana, Tororo and Mukono were the SHAPE project is being implemented.

According to Mona Herbert, the country Director DSW Uganda use of FP Champions is a key and effective concept towards local budget advocacy and to the aversion of the negative perceptions and myths about FP. We underscore the importance of such trainings to empowering you in building good will and broad base support across constituencies including community, religious and political leadership structures on FP. He remarked

Mona Herbert, the Country Director, DSW addresses the FP Champions during training at Bonita Training centre recently

Mona told the Champions that the approach to FP advocacy should not only be about the commodities but rather the social and economic benefits of producing the manageable number of children such as the capacity to send their children in good schools, the prevention of maternal and newborn morbidity, and transmission of HIV, control of GBV that that have of rate been rampant in the country.

Examples of how champions can strengthen family planning programs include:
1.    Policy Advocacy: At national and county levels, champions play a key role in advocating for relevant policies that set the agenda for family programs and the needed support infrastructure and resources for the operationalisation of those policies.

2.    Mobilizing community support: Community level champions are trend setters and initiators of change. When they speak positively to communities on the importance of family planning for quality life through, they help in dispelling myths and misperceptions about family planning services Are role models: When they share their positive experiences as users of FP, they instill confidence in potential clients and help nudge those undecided into becoming acceptors of FP

The champions drawn from the districts of Kamuli, Mityana, Tororo and Mukono were the shape project is apparently being implemented in Uganda.

By David Turyamusiima

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

DSW conducts Health financing press conference

Coordinated by DSW, members of the Family Planning Advocacy Group (FPAG), Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG), Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Coalition held a press conference at Hotel African Kampala, Uganda on the health sector projected financing for the coming year.
 A Well financed and vibrate health system; an absolute governments responsibility”. Was the theme for the conference organized to provoke the media fraternity to amplify advocacy towards the health sector budget that has been projected to decline
While presenting the paper, CSOs expressed their views and reservations regarding the FY 2017/18 Budget that is projected to decline by 30% compared to that of last year
In a joint statement they noted that as the government nears the 2020 target to transform into middle income country, the country must make huge investment in keeping the population healthy and productive, which according to the budget government is less concerned

Panelist during the media Briefing

They also noted with concern the continued poor human resources for the health sector that have hindered provisions of quality health services to the citizens.
They therefore urged the media practioners to amplify their advocacy towards what they termed as “unthinkable” for the government to reduce the health sector budget by such a huge percentage.
“We call upon you to join us and raise our voices such that tax payer’s money is put to best use”. Remarked Diana Tibesigwa.
Diana Tibesigwa, DSW stresses a point

 CSOs  urged the media to raise their in ensure that  government develops a plan that is responsive to the needs of the respective districts, for attracting recruiting, motivating and retaing health workers .
Urging that the ministry of health should prioritize the 50bn required for the recruitment of health workers.
They also called upon government to align the National Budget to the National Development Plan 11 and resource projections. “As a country we should desist from being known to have good laws and policies but very poor implementation” Emphasized the Dombo the chief of Part Path Uganda.
They further called for the decentralization of PHC funds for better services to ordinary citizens. “We have caution ministry of health against implementing PHC development budget on behalf of local governments as has been the norm because it creates more hitches in service delivery”. Noted Diana Tibesigwa.  
The reiterated their commitment to provide alternative budget proposals to government and to parliament, in particular

Over 40 National and local media houses were represented and covered the conference. These included the print, social and broadcast media and other representatives of likeminded organisations witnessed the function.
The conference took place at Hotel African, Kampala Uganda, mobilized and coordinated by DSW.

DSW facilitates Parliamentarians to develop a 5-Year Strategic Plan on Reproductive Maternal Neonatal child and Adolescent health (RMNCAH)

Parliamentarian that subscribe to the Network of African Women Ministers and Parliamentarians (NAWMP) met at Imperial Royale Kampala to indentify and strategize on issues of Reproductive health, they will champion during the tenure of the 10th Parliament.
The plan is aimed at enhancing their technical, advocacy and resource mobilization skills, consolidate existing partnerships and network as well as bring on board partnerships for RMNCAH.

The legislator’s earmarked five Strategic Goals for the incoming Strategic Plan 2017/18.

The major output of the Retreat was a draft strategic Plan on Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) for NAWMP Uganda Chapter.

Supported by DSW, the Retreat attracted 60 legislators, 10 technical staffs from both government and CSOs that are active members of the Family Planning Advocacy Group, National Population Council (NPC) among others.

With the Goal of RMNCAH positioned as a key Development issue, the decision makers pledged to advocate for universal access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services at the floor of parliament and other levels.
In addition, the legislators pledged to advance and promote family planning as a key development concern in Uganda.

The Country Director appreciated the role played by parliamentarians in promoting reproductive health in Uganda

“As DSW we underscore the role you play in advocating and mobilizing resources for reproductive health program in this country” Said Mona.
 Adding  that this is what prompted DSW to come in and support this process of developing the strategic plan, as it will give the law makers  an opportunity to align on the national, regional and international dynamics and societal challenges on reproductive Health,

Mona Herbert, the Country Director DSW opened the Retreat, with an overview of DSW and the overall strategic direction of the organisation on reproductive health and interventions in empowering women and young people to live their full potential.
Hon. Espellaza Baguma, the Chairperson NAWMP said that the network is committed to work with likeminded organisation in promoting RNMCAH. She emphasized that this time round the network plans to keep alive connection with the people, they are advocating for.

Earmarked Strategic Goals
·         Enhancing Development of NAWMP- Uganda Chapter as a reproductive Health Forum,
·         Mechanisms for providing RMNCAH services fully implemented in Uganda,
·         Women empowered and community mobilization for maternal health and related services
·          increased financing for RMNCAH services in Uganda

“In the 10hth Parliament we are already to keep the RNMCAH candle burning” She remarked.
In addition the Chairperson, the parliamentary committee on health, pledged maximum support in ensuring that RMNCAH issues     a captured in the committee budget recommendations. He urged legislators to navigate together in this coming budget process to ensure health issues are given priority in the Budget Frame 2017/18.

The Retreat however noted that, for family to steadily gain consideration in Uganda, capacity building for top government officials, opinion leaders as well as religious leaders is very paramount.